Protecting our communities is a responsibility that ultimately falls on law enforcement, but in order for law enforcement to function properly, those in the legislature need to pass laws that promote safety and accountability. Gun violence has become a threat to public safety in our country and while the Constitution guarantees citizens the right to own guns, it also says that "militia" must be well-regulated. The current laws surrounding firearms have been insufficient in protecting the public from gun violence, as we've seen time and time again in devastating shootings all across the country.
This is why we need to re-implement the assault weapons ban that ran out in 2004, and close the Charleston Loophole that allows people to purchase firearms even with potentially disqualifying factors in their background. Assault weapons allow people to do more harm in less time,
We also need to hold police accountable for their actions. Qualified immunity has protected officers from prosecution in even the most egregious cases. The black community is also disproportionately targeted by police, black people are 2.5 times more likely than white people to be shot by police, and Hispanic people are 1.75 times more likely to get shot by police. In the Senate, Peter would support the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. This legislation would ban no-knock search warrants, prohibit officers from using chokeholds and carotid holds, end qualified immunity, and create a national database for police misconduct.